Destroyed convoy is an event that is accessible for only for short period of time. Destroyed convoy event doesn't occur often. It's a uncommon event with infrequent occurrence unlike the other frequent and common events like the Airdrop event and the Chopper event. In the destroyed convoy event, a convoy of trucks are destroyed and a group of raiders or a crowd of zombies take stance on that ground. There are many loot boxes and destroyed trucks to be looted. The level of difficulty will be from easy to moderate.
In this event, There are always two possibilities.
In this event, There are always two possibilities.
- Zombie version
- Raider version
When it comes to the Raider version of the Destroyed convoy event, the destroyed convoy event includes a group of raiders present there. This makes your difficulty level from easy as there are only 4 raiders on patrol. The raiders range from melee weapon attackers to the shotgun shooters. But don't panic! To make it way easier, we have a video about the destroyed convoy - Raider version in youtube. The link is given below!
Everything you need to know about the raider version of destroyed convoy:
- Available resources - Canned food, Beer, Water, Plastic, Gun oil, Bandage, Rope, Military Armour, Ration coupons, Melee Weapons, Common spare parts, Cut finger, Bunker access cards, Armours, Dresses Etc etc,.
- Raiders : Shooters - 3 , Melee raiders - 1
- No. of loot boxes : 5 to 10
Watch the Destroyed convoy - Raider version on our youtube channel for better guide and understanding :