The dealer event that is accessible for only for short period of time. This event occurs often. It's a common event with frequent occurrence like the other frequent and common events like the Airdrop event and the Chopper event. In the dealer event, we can trade our spare resources for a weapon crate or other stuffs from the dealer. This event is based on the concept of barter trading system where we trade the items required by the dealer with a random crate (mostly weapon crates).
This event can be triggered by two ways.
This event can be triggered by two ways.
- Radio
- Random event notification
One way of triggering the Dealer event is using radio. Craft a radio and tune it until you receive any connection with the dealer. Once you get the connection, the dealer will communicate with you. He will tell you what items to bring to trade. Gather those required items as soon as possible and get to the event location. Meet the dealer and trade your items for the weapon crate. use the weapon crate to unlock your weapon.
Random event notification :
During the gameplay, You will receive some notifications often on the dealer event. You can also access them for trading. Meet the dealer and trade your items for the weapon crate. use the weapon crate to unlock your weapon.
Everything you need to know about the Dealer Event:
- Available resources - Dog crate, Weapon crate, Rare items, Etc etc,.
- Dealer : 1
- Items required : 2 to 6 (Accordingly)
NOTE : Do not attack the Dealer as he is immortal and can't be defeated.
Watch the Dealer event on our YouTube channel for better guide and understanding :
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